Community Meeting Notice – Proposed Special Use for an Adult-Use Cannabis Depensary at 60 W. Superior Street

WHAT: A meeting to discuss a proposed Special Use for an Adult-Use Cannabis Dispensary, at 60 W. Superior St.
WHO: PC AU 1, LLC (PharmaCann)
WHEN: Monday, June 29, 2020. 6:00 PM
Meeting ID:  936 0552 7955 Password: 171593
Dear Neighbor,

I was informed that PC AU 1, LLC (PharmaCann) and the River North Residents Association will co-host a community meeting on Monday, June 29, 2020, at 6:00 pm, to allow the community to review a proposal for an Adult-Use Cannabis Dispensary at 60 W. Superior St.

All applicants for Adult-Use Cannabis Dispensaries are required to hold a community meeting for the purpose of explaining the proposal and soliciting community input.

If you wish to attend the meeting in-person, you must email your RSVP to Katriina McGuire ( The in-person meeting will conform to social distancing practices. If you wish to participate online, visit When prompted, enter the Meeting ID [936 0552 7955] and password [171593].

You can also participate by calling (312) 626-6799 and entering the meeting ID and assword listed above.

While I may offer an opinion on the proposed Special Use, the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) ultimately makes decisions on these types of applications and is under no obligation to comply with the position of a neighborhood organization or an Alderman. This proposal will not be on the June 26 ZBA agenda.

For more information, please contact the attorney for the Applicant, Katriina McGuire at 312-580-2326 (please leave a message), or via email at


Alderman Brian Hopkins
2nd Ward

New Opening Dates for Bars, Breweries, and the Lakefront Trail

Mayor Lightfoot, alongside several City departments including the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH), the Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection(BACP), and the Chicago Park District, has announced that the reopening dates for bars and breweries will be on June 17th, and the opening of the Lakefront Trail will be on June 22nd.

Beginning Wednesday, June 17th, bars, lounges, taverns, breweries and other drinking establishments that sell alcohol for on-site consumption without a Retail Food License will be able to open for outdoor service only. Under the industry guidelines, drinking establishments may reopen under similar health and safety restrictions that restaurants have been following since June 3rd, including the same requirements for outdoor service only.

Patrons must be seated at tables that are six feet apart, with six people or fewer per table. Furthermore, seating at drinking establishments will be limited to a maximum of two hours. Finally, alcohol sales at bars and restaurants for on-site consumption must end at 11:00 pm each night, however the sale of alcohol for carryout or delivery must cease at 9:00 pm each night. The decision to further re-open was based on the continued positive trend in the data metrics monitored by CDPH over the past several weeks. June 17th was chosen as it is two weeks from the beginning of phase three and the incubation period for COVID-19 is thought to extend to 14 days.

Bars may reopen outdoor areas, including outdoor patios, rooftops, rooms with retractable roofs and indoor spaces where 50% or more of a wall can be removed via the opening of windows, doors, or panels provided that dining tables are within eight feet from such openings. Additionally, establishments with a Tavern License are eligible for an Expanded Outdoor Dining Permit through which they can expand into private property, including parking lots. Finally, bars and breweries may also participate in the City’s “Our Streets” plan to close streets for outdoor food and beverage service. Applications for street closure must be submitted by chambers, Special Service Area agencies, business service organizations or three or more restaurants.

Beginning Monday, June 22nd, the Lakefront Trail will open East of Lake Shore Drive from 6:00 am to 7:00 pm daily, however beaches and parks East of Lake Shore Drive will remain closed. The 18-mile Lakefront Trail will be open for exercise and transit only. No other recreational activities will be allowed. Chicagoans must abide by a “keep it moving” strategy where only walking, running, biking, and rollerblading will be allowed.

At this time, the Chicago Park District will not allow congregating, gathering or use of park amenities, which includes but is not limited to, stationary activities, fitness classes, barbecues, beaches, and picnicking. To monitor and control volume, only approximately half of the more than 50 access points (street, underpass, bridges) to the Lakefront will be open. Park Security will work in tandem with the Chicago Police Department and Office of Emergency Management and Communication to keep the trail safe under guidance from public health officials.

To encourage proper use, the Chicago Park District will install visible signage along the trail to educate and remind trail users of rules. In addition, Social Distancing Ambassadors will be stationed along the trail to educate the public and manage the flow of traffic. Ambassadors will actively engage park patrons providing guidance on appropriate social distancing, the importance of face coverings as well as other health and safety guidelines.  Chicago’s swimming pools and playgrounds will remain closed while public health officials advise the Chicago Park District on options to open them safely. There will also be no use of outdoor fitness equipment, basketball courts, tennis courts or athletic fields, and parking lots will remain closed for the time being. Due to the significant lakefront storm damage and high lake levels, three sections of the lakefront trail will merge to accommodate users. From Fullerton to North Avenue will be a shared trail. North Avenue to Ohio Street, trail users will be redirected to an on-street detour. From 43rd Street to 51st Street, users will merge onto one trail.

Additional signage and SDA resources will be implemented along both stretches to ensure social distancing. The Park District will notify users as construction projects are completed in those sections and normal trail use is restored. Chicago moved into phase three of its “Protecting Chicago” reopening framework on June 3rd, but the City is emphasizing that cautiously reopening still requires strict physical distancing even though it allows for some industries to reopen.

All residents must continue to abide by important guidance in phase three, including: physically distancing and wearing a face covering; limiting non-business, social gatherings to 10 or fewer persons; staying at home if you feel ill or have come into contact with someone with COVID-19; and getting tested if you have symptoms.

Source:  Alderman Hopkins 2nd Ward Newsletter 6/15/2020

Development Updates in Ward 42

51 N Hudson and 411 W Chicago

LG Development Group is proud to present 751 N Hudson and 411 W Chicago, a duo of residential buildings in River North. The project on Hudson Street is a 9 story mixed-use development featuring 134 dwelling units, 30 parking spaces and 10,000sf of retail. The project on Chicago Avenue is a 9 story mixed-use building featuring 93 dwellings units, 24 parking spaces and 8,000 sf of retail.

Groundbreaking is anticipated early 2021 with completion in 2022.
The developers are not seeking any zoning relief, and plan to develop the site under the existing zoning rights which govern their property. As an as-of-right development, this project does not require Alderman Reilly’s approval.

Committee on Zoning Meets Next Week

On May 21, 2020 the Chicago Plan Commission (CPC) voted to approve two impactful projects in the 42nd Ward. On Tuesday, June 16th these projects will be reviewed by the Committee on Zoning, Landmarks and Building Standards in a virtual meeting.

To view project details please click the following links:

Once approved by the Committee, these projects will advance to the next City Council meeting for a full vote by the Council.

The Honorable Burton F. Natarus, former 42nd Ward Alderman, Passes Away at 86 

Image Courtesy of

Obituary from the Chicago Tribun

RNRA wishes to express our condolences to the family of honoroable Burton F. Natarus.

Obituary from the Chicago Tribune

Honorable Burton F. Natarus, age 86, of Chicago. Burt was a respected alderman, attorney and one of the longest-serving Democratic Alderman in Chicago history, serving from 1971 – 2008. Having won 9 elections for public office, Burt was widely recognized as a colorful alderman, who thought of himself as the “Janitor of the Ward”. He worked tirelessly to ensure every resident of the 42nd ward was represented. He was also known in City Council as an expert in parliamentary procedures, and as the ‘master of the ordinance’ for crafting much of the legislation that was passed in council during his aldermanic tenure. Burt was known for his flamboyant speeches and often made fun of himself. A resident of Chicago’s Near North Side since 1960, Burt was born and raised in Wausau, Wisconsin. He was a graduate of the University of Wisconsin and University of Wisconsin Law School. A graduate of the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard, he later taught at Chicago’s Loyola University on the subject of local government. He served in the U.S. Army and the U.S. Army Reserves, earning paratrooper’s “jump wings”. Burt was a true lover of the Chicago Bears, an avid reader and enjoyed rafting many rivers out west. Burt is survived by his son, Michael, daughter, Jill and grandchildren, Jacob and Jenna. Graveside service will be private. Contributions may be made to The Anti-Cruelty Society, – select “donate on behalf”.

Chicago is still actively fighting COVID-19 – See recent Reilly Report of 6/11/2020

During this busy and eventful time, it has been easy to forget Chicago is still actively fighting against the spread of coronavirus. Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, the City of Chicago has been committed to basing decisions to reopen on the science and data related to this disease and communicating actions to the public in an open and transparent way.

The Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) has published updated data and figures relating to COVID-19 in Chicago. My office has compiled the latest information.

CLICK HERE to see the full Reilly Report of 6/11/2020.

Live From the Library Daily Story Time at 10:00 am

The Chicago Public Library has launched “Live From the Library: A Daily Story Time for Kids of Chicago.” This program will feature librarians and Chicago notables reading their favorite children’s books. Join story time weekdays at 10:00 am on Facebook Live.

June 5 – Messages from River North Aldermen

June 5, 2020 Newsletters

Ward 42 – Alderman Reilly

Ward 27 – Alderman Burnett

Ward 02 – Alderman Hopkins

To see all of their newsletters during the Covid-19 Pandemic, CLICK HERE.

Recent Interviews with Alderman Reilly Regarding Civil Unrest in Chicago

(AP Photo/Russel A. Daniels)


Alderman Reilly joined Mayor Lightfoot and other city officials this weekend to discuss the events that occurred during the nighttime hours (Alderman Reilly’s comments begin at 41:30). Alderman Reilly also joined Pete McMurray on WGN Radio to discuss the events of this past weekend.

The City of Chicago under Mayor Lightfoot and Commissioner of Public Health Dr. Allison Arwady have issued a curfew for all residents and visitors, effective from 9:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. daily, until further notice.  

The curfew is enforceable by law and restricts people from remaining in any public place – including, but not limited to, streets and highways, and common areas of schools, hospitals, office buildings and shops; or on the premises of any establishment – defined as any privately owned business operated for a profit to which the public is invited, within the City of Chicago during curfew hours. The curfew excludes persons engaged in essential activities as defined in the Municipal Code, Order 2020-3 (listed here under Section 2.5).

The Chicago Police Department will enforce the curfew through measures including warnings, fines and/or arrests. In addition, a small contingent of the National Guard will be deployed to maintain a limited presence and support Chicago police in order to ensure there will not be a repeat of Saturday night.

Alderman Reilly strongly encourages private homes and residential buildings to lock their exterior doors and to not allow visitors. Please return home by 9:00 p.m. after performing essential activities.

If you see something, say something. Report suspicious behavior and activity, and call 911 if there is an emergency or immediate threat. If the situation is not an emergency, you can also submit tips to CPD online.

Get alerts from Notify Chicago on various emergency and non-emergency situations in your area.

To See Alderman Reilly’s full report of 6-1-2020, CLICK HERE.

To see Newsletters from ALL River North Aldermen, CLICK HERE.

New Initiative to Encourage Vital Census Participation

Mayor Lightfoot Announces New Initiatives to Encourage Citywide Participation in the 2020 Census
Census participation is vital for bringing essential federal funding to Chicago

CHICAGO – Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot today announced two new initiatives to encourage Chicagoans to take the 2020 Census including a neighbor-to-neighbor texting program and a mobile Census center.

“Now more than ever it is critical for Chicago’s residents to fill out their Census forms and make themselves count,” said Mayor Lightfoot. “These two new initiatives will help us in that effort, and I am tremendously grateful to the individuals behind Chicago Cares for their support. Aside from ensuring fair representation in federal policymaking, the Census will also play a major role in determining the Federal dollars we receive to help us recover from the COVID-19 crisis, supporting everything from our infrastructure and essential services, to our entire economy for years to come.

When the COVID-19 pandemic rendered in-person canvassing and group events unsafe, the City created a neighbor-to-neighbor initiative with Chicago Cares, a nonprofit committed to mobilizing volunteers in Chicago. The neighbor-to-neighbor initiative is a volunteer effort enabling Chicagoans to text other Chicagoans and encourage census participation. More details and information on volunteer opportunities can be found at

“Chicago Cares has been thrilled to partner with the City of Chicago to mobilize volunteers to spread the word about the Census,” Jenné Myers, CEO of Chicago Cares said. “So far, our volunteers have sent over 170,000 text messages reminding Chicagoans to complete the once-in-a-decade count. It’s a safe, easy, and fun way for Chicagoans to volunteer right now and make a huge impact on the city we love.”

In addition, the City has dispatched a mobile Census center that travels to food banks, mask distribution sites, and other events to provide residents with Wi-Fi for completing the Census. It is a neon green van marked with, “Make Yourself Count: Take a Second for Your City,” which is visiting locations throughout Chicago reminding residents to respond.

So far, 53% of Chicagoans have responded to the 2020 Census, which is in-line or above other cities with large, hard-to-count populations, but below the national average of 60%. In the last Census, 66% of Chicagoan’s responded, and Mayor Lightfoot set a goal for the Chicago of at least 75% participation in this year’s Census, which the City is committed to achieving.

“All the decisions we are making right now to help recover from the public health and economic challenges of the pandemic demonstrate the importance of the Census,” said Andrea Zopp, President & CEO, World Business Chicago. “The pandemic has ripped the cover off a lot of inequality in our city. Completing the Census ensures that Chicago will receive funding for essential services that benefit everyone in the future.”
Census figures set the level of funding Chicago will receive for public health, parks, public safety, transportation and essential infrastructure, as well as other City services. Funding for many programs benefitting Chicagoans is allocated based on the Census, including Medicaid, Head Start, SNAP, Section 8, Title I and Special Education Grants. The City of Chicago stands to lose an estimated $1,400 each year for every resident missed in 2020, with other adverse implications in redistricting.

“Although times are difficult, we still ask everyone to do their part. This funding is crucial to Chicago,” Ric Estrada, CEO, Metropolitan Family Services said. “We will continue to work with our partners to get all Chicago residents counted.”

Nearly half of Chicago’s 2.7 million residents are considered “hard-to-count” by the U.S. Census Bureau. This includes families of color, children under five, the elderly, veterans, returning residents, individuals with high rates of mobility and housing instability, residents with disabilities, those with limited access to the Internet, and those who may be afraid to participate. Earlier this year, the City provided more than $700,000 in grant funding for community-based organizations to support the City’s efforts in educating and engaging residents about the 2020 Census. Additional information on the program is located here.
“We know that many Chicagoans, especially in our immigrant communities are fearful that completing the Census will report their or their families’ citizenship status,” said Rebecca Shi, Executive Director, Illinois Business Immigration Coalition. “Nothing could be further from the truth. There is no question about citizenship, and personal information collected in the Census cannot be shared with anyone or any other federal agency, including the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or Immigration or Customs Enforcement (ICE). Data is only released in summary tables; no individual information is released.”

Illinois Census Month begins Monday, June 1, and the City of Chicago continues working with its partners on new initiatives to increase engagement and activate Chicago to complete the Census. To learn more about the City’s 2020 Census efforts, please visit to find up-to-date information and City resources aiding to ensure a full count.

Q & A With Dr. Allison Arwady Commissioner of Chicago Department of Public Health May 29, 2020

Listen to Dr. Allison Arwardy on May 29, 2020.  CLICK HERE.