Welcome to your New RNRA Website!

RNRA river pic

We have improved our association’s website to bring our residents the most up-to-date information about our vibrant community.

After months of planning by our volunteer committee members, we are thrilled to launch a more engaging and intuitive experience that better supports our association goals and our local sponsors.  We value your support as we actively advocate for quality of life issues in River North and beyond.

A New York Times article recently affirmed something that we already know…River North is the “hottest place in the city” and we are not talking about global warming.

Please let us know what you think and email us at .  Bookmark the website and Like Us on Facebook.  Special thanks, also, to River North resident, Steve Dahlman , for the use of some of his professional photo images.


FINAL Community Meeting for Parking Meter Deal June 3rd

parking meterJust in from Alderman Brendan Reilly’s office:

The City Council’s Committee on Finance will hold the final public hearing on Monday, June 3rd at 9:15 am in City Council Chambers, 121 N. LaSalle, 2nd Floor. The City Council’s Committee on Finance is expected to vote on the Proposed Settlement Agreement and Associated Amendment to the Chicago Metered Parking Concession Agreement.

Earlier this month, Alderman Reilly voiced his opinion on this controversial parking meter proposal, which was introduced at the May 8th City Council Meeting.  The Alderman urges 42nd Ward residents and businesses who will be impacted by the new proposal to attend the next Committee on Finance Public Hearing to provide their testimony on the Amended Parking Meter Agreement.

For more information about the previous hearings, please click on the following links to download the ordinance and meeting notices for 5/28/13 and 5/31/13.

RNRA Planting Flowers and Smiles


On Saturday May 18th, RNRA hosted a Planting in the Park event with over 100 residents and families stopping by Ward Park to get free flowering plants. River North neighbor and newest sponsor, Jeff Stogsdill with State Farm joined in on the festivities and brought along the State Farm Bear to the delight of many of our younger gardeners. We also want to thank volunteers, Sue, Amy and Fletcher for lending their green thumbs. Just another way RNRA is helping to “grow” our community one flower and one smile at a time!

Spring is Finally Here in River North

SANYO DIGITAL CAMERATo help our residents start their spring planting, your RNRA is hosting a planting party on Saturday, May 18th at 10am in Ward Park. All our residents and families are invited to join us as we provide flowering annuals for you to plant and to bring home.

This is another FREE event  by your River North Residents’ Association. (Weather permitting and while plants last.)

See you in the park!