Small Business Saturday – November 25

#ShopSmall was established in 2010 to celebrate and support small businesses in local communities. Shop Small and share your support for the spots you call your own, whether it’s your salon, gym, or favorite neighborhood restaurant. Places like these keep our community strong and vibrant, potentially employing your friends, family, and neighbors. Visit our Sponsor page to see the local businesses who are RNRA partners – and don’t forget to use your My River App to unlock deals available ONLY to RNRA members!

November 2017: Upcoming Chicago Business Workshops

Source:  Alderman Brian Hopkins 2nd Ward Newsletter 11/20/17

Wednesday, November 29 at 3:00pm: The Essentials for Avoiding Employment Related Disputes

The City of Chicago Department of Business Affairs & Consumer Protection (BACP) offers FREE business workshops every Wednesday and Friday at City Hall, 8th Floor. To register for a workshop, call 312-744-2086. A full list of upcoming workshops can be found here. You also can register by emailing

Do you own your own small business and want to receive helpful news and tips to help you out?

Chicago’s Street Sweeping Season Extended to December 8

Source:  Alderman Reilly Reports 11/22/17
The Chicago Department of Streets and Sanitation (DSS) will be extending its annual street sweeping season to December 8, 2017.
The Chicago street sweeping season typically ends each year on the Friday prior to Thanksgiving. The extended sweeping operations will  allow crews to continue cleaning alleys, streets and catch basins until December 8, when the Department transitions to its winter sweeping operations. During the winter, approximately 20 sweepers remain available citywide to assist with major cleanups along Chicago’s arterial routes.
In 2017, milder conditions allowed DSS to continue street cleaning along curb lanes, center lanes and viaducts during the winter months. In January, DSS swept approximately 4,400 miles compared to 275 miles in January 2016. In February, DSS swept 6,000 miles compared to 1,500 miles in February 2016.

Traffic Advisory for 2017 McDonald’s Thanksgiving Day Parade Thursday, November 23

Source:  Alderman Reilly Report 11/22/17
The 84th Annual McDonald’s Thanksgiving Day Parade will take place on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 23, from 8:00am to 11:00am, and will run along State Street from Congress Parkway to Randolph Street.  The parade will be broadcast live locally and nationally on Chicago’s own WGN Channel 9 and WGN America.
This year’s lineup includes over 100 diverse and remarkable groups including Grand Marshal Ronald McDonald, Chicago’s favorite fun-loving bird and Parade mascot, Teddy Turkey, and an appearance by Santa Claus. To view the complete 2017 lineup, click here,
Several streets in the 42nd Ward will be used during the parade and will have various parking restrictions. To view a map of the parade, including step off, staging areas and disbanding areas, please click here.  To view a list of the parking restrictions, please click here.
To accommodate the parade, the following street closures will occur in the 42nd Ward:
  • State Street, between Washington and Randolph from 8:00pm Wednesday, November 22 to 2:00pm Thursday, November 23.
  • State Street, between Congress and Randolph from 8:00am to 1:00pm on Thursday, November 23.
  • Congress Parkway, between LaSalle and Wabash, from 8:00am to 11:00am on Thursday, November 23
  • All east/west streets from Van Buren Street to Lake Street will be closed between LaSalle and Michigan from 8:00am to 11:30am on Thursday, November 23.
Residents should allow for extra travel time during this event as the Chicago Police Department may enact other closures not listed above for safety reasons. There will be several traffic reroutes, detours and increased pedestrian congestion.  Please plan accordingly. Chicago Transit Authority reroutes are viewable here.
Click here to visit the official parade website.

CDOT Traffic Alert: LaSalle Street Bridge Testing Requires Intermittent Street Closures from 9:00am until Noon Today

Source: Alderman Reilly Reports 11/21/17
The LaSalle Street Bridge over Chicago River will require intermittent closures for testing.  Vehicular and pedestrian traffic will be impacted this morning, Tuesday, November 21 from 9:00am – noon.
To avoid delays waiting for the bridge to lower, motorists and pedestrians are urged to use the Clark Street Bridge to travel south, or Dearborn Street Bridge to travel north.
Alderman Reilly’s office learned of this required work at close of business Monday, November 20.

3rd Annual Green Streets Initiative – Congratulations to our 2017 1st Place Winners & Runners Up

About RNRA’s Green Street Initiative – RNRA’s Green Streets Initiative encourages the creation and improvement of public space by acknowledging the owners and managers of properties throughout River North for outstanding achievement in landscape beautification. We collected nominations from the community for outstanding examples of residential, commercial and non-profit properties and then selected 3 finalists in each category.

We then asked our residents to choose their favorites in an online ballot!

 To see our 2017 Winners click here.

Lurie Children’s Annual Holiday Drive – Collecting through November 17th

Join your Neighbors at RNRA’s 20th Annual Meeting and Reception on November 14, 2017

Join us at the Godfrey Hotel’s fabulous I|O Rooftop Lounge, on November 14 for RNRA’s Annual Meeting and Reception.

Pursuant to the Association’s Bylaws, the agenda will include the election of Directors. Please click here to view a list of the candidates who have have been nominated to serve on the Board, as well as information about the submission of additional nominees.

Alderman Brendan Reilly and Commander Paul Bauer will join RNRA leaders to update attendees on 42nd Ward development, 18th District public safety, local community events and many other topics concerning River North.

The festivities will include a special treat to celebrate RNRA’s 20 years of service in Chicago’s greatest neighborhood! Enjoy appetizers and raise a glass with friends and neighbors as we remember the year that was and preview the year to come.

The event is free, but space is limited and reservations are required.  Please make sure to RSVP.  See you next month!

Tuesday November 14 – 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Godfrey Hotel I|O Rooftop Lounge, 127 W. Huron Street, Chicago, IL.  

About the Godfrey:

Godfrey means peace and welcome; welcome to The Godfrey Hotel Chicago. Offering unforgettable style from the Cubist-influenced façade to the chic accommodations, each detail of this striking Chicago luxury boutique lifestyle hotel has been designed with the guest’s experience in mind.

Everyday life requires us to live outside our comfort zone; outside our element.

We find ourselves in surrounding places with a generalized design intent meant for mass appeal. At The Godfrey Hotel Chicago, we’ve created a rare spot that will make you feel entirely at ease. We offer a unique style with attention to comfort.

“One Chicago Square” Proposed Development Community Meeting

Source: Brian Hopkins 2nd Ward Alderman Newsletter  11/6/17

On Tuesday, October 24th, JDL Development presented their proposed development for the parking lot located across from Holy Name Cathedral.

Please visit to view the entire presentation and complete a feedback survey for 2nd Ward review.

Alderman Hopkin’s  office will continue to solicit feedback, meeting with neighborhood groups and impacted residents before making any final decision on the project.

Alderman Hopkins thanks  all who came out, and to Loyola University Chicago for hosting the meeting.