Masks available from Alderman Reilly for 42 Ward residents belonging to vulnerable population

As a reminder, Illinois residents are required to wear face coverings in public where six feet of distance between individuals cannot be maintained, like in stores. For residents who have homemade, cloth face coverings, please ensure your mask does the following:

• fit snugly but comfortably against the side of the face
• be secured with ties or ear loops
• include multiple layers of fabric
• allow for breathing without restriction
• be able to be laundered and machine dried without damage or change to shape

While wearing face masks is now required, please note that it does not replace or substitute social distancing. When wearing a mask, please continue to practice social distancing from others, frequent hand cleaning and other preventative measures.

Alderman Reilly will have a number of masks available for distribution to 42nd Ward residents. As a reminder, these masks will be prioritized for residents who belong to a vulnerable population, including seniors 65 and older, those with underlying medical conditions that put them at higher risk, and essential personnel.

If you or a member of your immediate household falls into these categories, and you do not otherwise have access to a mask, please COMPLETE THIS FORM and Alderman Reilly’s office will do their best to provide you with a mask. Because there are a limited number of masks to distribute, we hope that residents will use discretion in requesting a mask.

Please note, these masks are for 42nd Ward residents only, if you reside outside of the 42nd Ward, please contact your local Alderman. To look up your local Alderman, please CLICK HERE.

For the most up-to-date COVID-19 information, please visit: City of ChicagoState of Illinois, and CDC.

Wild Mile – Earth Week Virtual Panel – Tomorrow April 23 – Must Register

How can we better connect habitat to human health? This Earth Week, register for a virtual panel on the Wild Mile, a project to transform a human-made branch of the Chicago River into a 17-acre floating eco-park.

Panelists from a number of organizations that developed and contributed to this unique effort will discuss the vision to strengthen neighborhood connectivity, generate cleaner water, and support more vibrant ecosystems along the east side of Chicago’s Goose Island, on the North Branch Canal and Turning Basin.

Tune in to the panel to learn more about the future of the project, the importance of environmental action and ecological restoration along Chicago’s rivers, and ways to get involved. The Wild Mile advances an exciting vision for how cities everywhere can support a thriving, natural environment that coexists within an urban setting.

This virtual panel is free and open to the public and will take place on Thursday, April 23. Register at the link below.


Reverend Randall K. Blakey Near North Unity Program, Executive Director
Nick Wesley, Urban Rivers Co-Founder and Co-Director
Rachel Momenee, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM), Senior Architectural/Urban Designer
Michael Skowlund, Omni Ecosystems, Director of Landscape Architecture

April 23, 2020

12:00 – 1:00 p.m. CST

Register Here

Participate in Earth Week with Friends of the Parks from the safety of your home

Although our April 18 Ward Park Clean-up was cancelled, you can still participate in Earth Day Activities.

To align with the global 50th Anniversary of Earth Day movement Friends of the Parks has some suggested activities you can do from the safety of your home.  To find out more, CLICK HERE

History of Earth Day

Fifty years ago Earth Day prompted the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency and the passage of the Clean Air, Clean Water and Endangered Species Acts.  In 1970, millions of people stood up to protect our planet – let’s do it again!

The National Recreation and Parks Association states: “While the impacts of climate change are daunting, there is a growing recognition that parks can be part of the climate solution.  Parks reduce harmful carbon pollution that is driving climate change: they protect people and infrastructure from increasingly severe storms, sea-level and lake-level rise, heat waves and droughts; and they also directly reduce some of the primary public health challenges that are exacerbated by climate change.”

Join us this year as we take on the international theme of Climate Action by caring for our park.  It’s a great way to meet your neighbors and make a difference in our community – and in the world.

For over 30 years, Friends of the Parks has been mobilizing community members to participate in Earth Day volunteerism. People from neighborhoods throughout Chicago and the surrounding suburbs volunteer at their local parks and forest preserves to practice stewardship and celebrate community. This year’s event is conducted in partnership with the Chicago Park District, the Forest Preserves of Cook County and many community groups across Chicagoland.

EARTH WEEK kicks off on Monday April 20! For more information click here to visit the Friends of the Parks online, or here to visit the International Earth Day website.

Alderman Reilly Reports – April 22, 2020 – COVID-19 Guidance for Individuals, Families & Residential Buildings

Dear Neighbor:

Although we have made great progress, Illinois has not yet reached our peak level of new COVID-19 cases. While recent data shows we are moving in the right direction, health experts must see a steady decline in new cases before major social distancing restrictions can be relaxed or lifted.

After weeks of data and trend analysis, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) released updated guidelines at the IndividualFamily, and Multi-Family Residence levels to ensure we are doing all that we can to help slow the spread of COVID-19.

As we stay at home, the best way to protect yourself and others from COVID-19 is to continue to practice good hand hygiene and social distancing when in public. It is also important to note the difference between self-quarantine and self-isolation, terms that have been used frequently since Coronavirus began to spread in the United States.

Chicago Health magazine recently published an informative article distinguishing the difference between “Self-Isolation” and “Self-Quarantine.” It is worth a read.

As a reminder, the following are COVID-19 Facts and Guidelines that apply to 

Know How COVID-19 Is Spread

• Coming in close contact (about six feet or two arm lengths) with a person who has COVID-19 – the virus is primarily spread from person to person.
• Being infected by respiratory droplets via cough, sneeze, or talking.
• Touching a contaminated surface and then your mouth, nose or eyes.
Protect Yourself and Others 
• There is no vaccine to protect against COVID-19. The best way to protect yourself is to avoid exposure to COVID-19.
• Stay home as much as possible and avoid close contact with others.
• Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces.
• Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
Practice Social Distancing
• Complete activities online when possible, including buying groceries and medicine, doctor visits, and banking activities.
• If you must go out in public, maintain 6 feet of distance from others.
• Get deliveries or takeout, limit in-person contact and disinfect packages.
• Prevent the Spread if You Are Sick
• Stay home if you are sick, except to get urgent medical care.
• Avoid using all public transportation, ride-sharing or taxis.
• Separate yourself from the other people and pets in your home.
• There is no specific treatment, but seek medical care for symptoms.
• If you need medical attention, be sure to call the hospital first.

I know that the uncertainty and conflicting messages from various government leaders is causing all of us a tremendous amount of stress and concern.  Please know that the best expert minds, in every level of government, are working around the clock to help us manage this pandemic and identify a path to normalcy.  We will get through this crisis.

Thank you for continuing to be patient during these extraordinary (and sometimes frustrating) restrictions that have been implemented to protect our public health.

Although these restrictions are disruptive to our daily lives and represent a level of personal sacrifice, please remember our many neighbors who serve as first-responders and healthcare workers who are selflessly sacrificing so much more – on a daily basis – to help keep us safe and healthy. Let’s keep those heroes in mind as we stay at home.

We must continue to flatten the curve.  The sooner we can turn the corner on COVID-19, the sooner we can all get Chicago re-opened for business!

For updates on COVID-19, please visit: City of ChicagoState of Illinois, and CDC.


Brendan Reilly
President Pro Tempore
Alderman, 42nd Ward

To see most recent publications from all three River North Alderman, please go to and select the menu item “Covid-19 Resources” and “Alderman Newsletters Covid-19“.

Aldermen Updates during Covid-19 (Wards 2, 27 and 42)

Our Aldermen continue to send updated information.  Their newsletters can be found on our website under the menu item “Covid-19 Resources – Alderman Newsletters during Covid-19“.

Also under the menu item “Covid-19-Resources” you can  find a link to Covid-19 – Access Resposne Center – Daily Updates.

Are you signed up for our RNRA Newsletter?  It’s easy to do.  Go to  In the middle of the home screen is a place to sign up to receive our monthly newsletter.

To download our free neighborhood mobile app, My River North, go to the App Store or Google Play.  The app will keep you up to date with news and events, as well as provide deals from local businesses. You can also access our website from the app.

Chicago Police Memorial Foundation VIRTUAL Run to Remember – Join Team 018 Blue for Bauer!

We are just one month away from the event.  Due to the pandemic and orders banning crowds, CPMF is moving the 2020 Run to Remember to a virtual event. Many of your questions will be answered on the Chicago Police Memorial Foundation website.

What is a virtual 5K?
A Virtual 5K is a race that you choose to complete where ever you would like. You can walk, run, use a treadmill, or participate in another race. The beauty of a virtual 5K race is that you can run the race at your pace wherever you choose.

The CPMF appreciates  your continued support of CPMF. CPMF prioritizes the safety of the citizens of Chicago and the CPD extended family and feels this is simply the right thing to do.

For those of you who have not registered, please do! Our Police Officers are out on the street protecting us whether or not there is a global pandemic. Show your support for those in Blue!

Make sure to register under “Join a Team”  –  Team 018 Blue for Bauer

The Chicago Police Memorial Foundation has given $11.1 million of assistance to Chicago Police Families in need.

Restaurants with Pickup or Delivery

The following loyal RNRA sponsors are open for pick-up and/or delivery service. During this difficult time, we encourage you to support the businesses that support our community.

Thanks and bon appetit!

You can find this list on under Sponsors

Angus Burger

Bijan’s Bistro

663 N. State Street

Chicago, Illinois 60654

Offers Delivery:  Yes

Offers Pickup:  Yes

Daily Special:  No



Fogo De Chao

661 N. LaSalle Blvd

Chicago, Illinois 60654

Offers Delivery:  Yes

Offers Pickup:  Yes

Daily Special:  Yes



Meli Cafe

540 N. Wells  Street

Chicago, Illinois 60654

Offers Delivery:  Yes

Offers Pickup:  Yes

Daily Special:  No


STK Pick-Up

STK Chicago

9 W. Kinzie Street

Chicago, Illinois 60654

Offers Delivery:  Yes

Offers Pickup:  Yes

Daily Special:  No


Eddie V's

Eddie V’s Prime Seafood

521 N. Rush Street

Chicago, Illinois 60654

Offers Delivery:  Yes

Offers Pickup:  Yes

Daily Special:  Yes


Kinzie Chophouse

Kinzie Chophouse

400 N. Wells Street

Chicago, Illinois 60654

Offers Delivery:  Yes

Offers Pickup:  Yes

Daily Special:  No



MIX Kitchen United

839 N. Sedgwick Street

Chicago, Illinois 60610

Offers Delivery:  Yes

Offers Pickup:  Yes

Daily Special:  No


Victory Italian

Victory Italian

434 W. Ontario Street

Chicago, Illinois 60654

Offers Delivery:  Yes

Offers Pickup:  Yes

Daily Special:  Yes


Thank you the Greater River North Business Association, co-contributor of content for restaurants that are members of GRNBA as well as sponsors of RNRA.  

Please support our River North Businesses that support our neighborhood!

Our River North streets are quiet these days and the impact is felt by our local businesses. RNRA’s loyal sponsors always support our neighborhood and in turn, we encourage you to support them by:

For more information about these outstanding local businesses and their products and services, please download the FREE My River North mobile app from the App Store or Google Play.   Any business marked with an asterisk (*) below is on the My River North Mobile App with their phone number and website listed for handy reference.

Please make sure to call these businesses first before stopping in.

RNRA SPONSORS – Businesses still operating

Animal Services

Financial Services


Health Care


Other Essential Services




To see our full list of sposors, click HERE.

We look forward to better times when we can once again enjoy our community’s wonderful events, dining and nightlife in the company of our friends and neighbors.

Take care of yourselves, we’ll get through this together.

Face Covering Do’s and Don’ts

CARA Urges Safe Running: Wear A Mask 

The Chicago Area Runners Association (CARA) has taken a stance on safe running. CARA urges everyone to practice safe social distancing and to commit to wearing a mask.

If you choose to run:

• Begin your run from home.
• Do not run with other. NO groups!
• Don’t run where you are unable to maintain safe physical distancing – find new routes.
• Make room for safe passing.
• Run with a mask or face covering.
Watch this video from CARA Executive Director Greg Hipp showing how to run safely during this pandemic.