Team Captain Yoly Ortiz and Erin Bauer
Our 018th District Chicago Police Department retained the Superintendent’s Cup for this year’s 15th Annual Run to Remember with Team 018 Blue for Bauer! Congratulations 018th District and Team Captain Yoly Ortiz!
Members of RNRA joined Team 018 Blue for Bauer Saturday May 4 at Gold Star Families Memorial Park. We participated in memory of our beloved Commander Paul Bauer and for all those who have given the ultimate sacrifice.
The Chicago Police Memorial Foundation Run to Remember helps raise money to assist families of officers who were tragically killed, wounded or injured in the line of duty. We must never forget their sacrifices to the city who they served and protected.
This year’s event had more than 7,100 registrants, 350 junior joggers and rasied $600,000.
Team 018 Blue for Bauer shown below had nearly 500 registrants!
RNRA Members join Run to Remember