Michael Goldwater, President, One River Place Condominium Association
I have lived in the River North community for over 18 years, and have had many opportunities to see and benefit from the great work of the River North Residents Association. And I am proud to say that the building I live in is a member of RNRA, something I have always supported as a board member and current president of our Homeowners’ Association. There are so many great things that RNRA does for our community, starting with the great public advocacy work they perform to make sure our neighborhood remains the best neighborhood in the city. RNRA is a great advocate for positive change, and importantly making sure it is the ‘right’ change that is best for our neighborhood. They are the voice of our neighborhood, one which carries respect and weight with our city representatives.
And then there is their phone app that (among other things) enables members to enjoy benefits and discounts from many member businesses. And then there are all the events, including meet & greet Happy Hours at neighborhood businesses, Movies in the Park throughout the summer, and other social and holiday events. And certainly their most amazing Taste of River North, always a highlight of my summer in River North.
We are fortunate to have RNRA on our side to protect and enhance our River North Community. I thank them for all they do!
Michael Goldwater, President, One River Place Condominium Association
Steven Moore, President, Basecamp HOA
Basecamp literally rose from the ashes of the former Jenner School in what was then known as Cabrini-Green. I have lived here in River North for 9 years and our Homeowners' Association has been a member of the River North Residents Association for 5 years. I serve as a member of the RNRA Safety Committee and have been extremely impressed with the hard work the RNRA does to ensure that River North is a safe and desirable place to live. RNRA membership provides valuable connections with city government, the police department, and other area organizations so that we can all work toward the common good for the neighborhood. Through RNRA, Basecamp has become an important voice in the community. But more importantly, Basecamp residents feel a sense of belonging due to the support and work of the River North Residents Association. We also appreciate the RNRA events such as the Happy Hours, Movies in Ward Park, and the Taste of River North!
Steven Moore, President, Basecamp Homeowners' Association
Michael Brody, President, 400 W. Huron Homeowners Association
Dear RNRA,
As you well know, most of this summer the City has been working to replace the lights in our neighborhood. Last month it was our turn. On a Friday the workmen on the project began marking places for the required excavation which would be initiated the following Monday. The proposed locations turned out to be in the middle of some extensive landscaping in front of our building, a choice which would foreseeably result in severing an irrigation system and a lighting system both of which were buried in the landscaped area. Though the plans were on file with City Hall no one had consulted them. Calls to the City got us nowhere. A call to your office sent a jolt of sanity through the system. Mickie Gordon, could not have been more helpful. Within minutes of our call, she had mobilized the alderman's office, and he, in turn, had persuaded the City to stand down until the plans could be consulted so that the contemplated excavation could be carried out in a way that would neither flood the street nor electrocute the workers. We cannot thank you enough.
Michael Brody, President
400 West Huron Homeowners Association