Please join us for “Urban Dogs” a virtual workshop presented by our neighbor, The Anti-Cruelty Society.
When: August 30, 2020 2:00 p.m.
The workshop will address problems dogs may face in an urban environment and how to be a good city dog owner.
Registration is required. You may also submit questions at registration, if you register on or before August 26th, 2020.
Once registered, you will receive an email confirmation with details on how to log in to the online event. Please click on the link below to register.
River North has a large dog community and we are fortunate to have The Anti-Cruelty Society located here in our neighborhood at 510 N. LaSalle Street.
Since 1899, The Anti-Cruelty Society has been committed to serving the needs of companion animals and the humans who care for and about them. The Anti-Cruelty Society is one of non-profit organizations that RNRA supports each year as part of our philanthropy agenda.