Report Potholes to 311

Recent snow, salt treatments and thaw-freeze cycles this winter season have led to a significant increase in the number of potholes on city streets.

 The Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) continues to work diligently to keep up with the growing number of potholes.  CDOT uses the City’s 3-1-1 system to help them identify potholes that require repair.Please note – in order to report potholes, a specific address is required. A pothole service request can be placed through Chicago’s 311 system by calling 3-1-1, visiting the 311 City Services website, texting “311” to CHItext, or emailing Alderman Brendan Reilly’s office directly.The City of Chicago has also launched a new “Pothole Tracker,” which allows Chicagoans to monitor a week’s worth of pothole patching activity by CDOT.Pothole Tracker, powered by the City’s Open Data Portal at, gives Chicagoans a snapshot of the potholes that CDOT crews have filled during the past seven days.On the Pothole Tracker site, each blue dot is a location where a resident has reported a pothole and CDOT crews have subsequently been busy repairing roadways. An information box on each dot provides the service request number, the date of the completed work and the total number of potholes repaired on each block.


Since the start of the new year, CDOT crews have patched more than 50,000 potholes in streets in alleys across Chicago, using 1,000 tons of asphalt patching material.  In 2013, CDOT repaired more than 625,000 potholes.