Thank you to all of our friends and neighbors who joined us Tuesday night March 4th for our "I Love River North" Happy Hour! We appreciate your support and friendship.
A heartfelt thank you to our generous host Hawksmoor who donated their venue, services, drinks and delicious appetizers for the night allowing all proceeds to support River North Residents Association's Advocacy Work. We hope you will visit Hawksmoor again. Check out their Sunday Roast, Happy Hour and Hawksmoor Hacks Menu!
A special thanks to Nick Robins Photography. Nick generously donated his time and talent.
A special thanks to our generous raffle prize donors! Congratulations to our winners of the prizes noted below.
$250 Gift Certificate to Hawksmoor
$500 Gift Certificate to V|O Med Spa for 1 Lumecca IPL Laser Treatment (2 of these will be raffled off)
$300 Gift Certificate to HOTWORX Chicago – River North
$100 to $170 Value: 2 Tickets to Iraq, But Funny at Lookingglass Theatre (May 29 thru July 20)