Source: Alderman Reilly Report 10/17/17
New Near West Loop Development at 315 South Jefferson
JAB Real Estate is developing a new as-of-right residential project, The Gladys Apartments, located at 315 S. Jefferson Street. This 10-story building will consist of 69 dwelling units with approximately 1,200 square feet of ground floor retail fronting Jefferson Street. The building will be about 115 feet tall, constructed with a glass façade and metal panel rainscreen system.
Please note this development conforms to the underlying DX-7, Downtown Mixed-Use District, which would permit up to 94 residential dwelling units, however only 69 are proposed.
The applicant is requesting relief from the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) in order to reduce the minimum off-street parking requirement to 5 spaces in light of this development being a Transit Oriented Development in very close proximity to local and regional public transit. The developer has also agreed to waive any rights to residential parking permit (RPP) zone #738.
Further relief is being requested to reduce the rear yard setback from 30 feet to 15 feet (a rear yard setback is required at the first floor of residential units; in this case, the second floor). Many of the area buildings are built to the lot line. The developer is also seeking to waive the requirement of a loading berth for the building. This building is designed such that the ground floor is set back 15 feet from the property line, creating room for loading and unloading. The developer will also schedule move-ins so as to minimize conflicts.
For more information on this project, please click here to download the project packet, which includes site and floor plans.
This project is being built using existing zoning rights and only requires a Special Use that is approved by the independent Zoning Board of Appeals. As such, this project does not require action by the Alderman’s Office, the City Council Committee on Zoning or the full City Council.
The Special Use for 315 S. Jefferson will be heard at the next ZBA meeting to be held Friday, October 20 in City Council Chambers. To view the meeting agenda, visit the ZBA website.