RNRA is always on the lookout for news stories, events or information that would benefit, interest or entertain people who live or work in the River North neighborhood.
Please use the secure form below to submit your suggestions. Selected content may be included in RNRA’s newsletters, website or social media platforms. RNRA reserves the right to determine which content to include.
Submission Specifications
- Each announcement should be no more than 300 words maximum.
- Focus on call to action
- Provide links to additional information on the RNRA site, sponsor site, etc. – rely on links for details
- No more than two links in each announcement
- Images should be in JPG, PNG or GIF format and should be no larger than 5MB. Submit images 1080 x 1080 which are ideal for social media use with IG.
By using this form, you agree to RNRA’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
Thank you for your input!