This summer, the Office of Chicago City Clerk Susana A. Mendoza and the City of Chicago is helping move the annual Chicago City Vehicle Sticker Sales Program out of the horse and buggy era and into the 21st Century. The seasonal Chicago City Vehicle Sticker rush started in 1908. This summer, we can all say “goodbye” to the long lines and more than 100 years of inefficiency and “hello” to the Year-Round Chicago City Vehicle Sticker Program.The goal is to improve customer service experience, and reduce wait times while cutting overtime costs and bringing greater efficiencies to the City Clerk’s Office.
Purchase Your City Sticker Online:
The easiest and fastest way to get your vehicle sticker is buying online. Use EZ>BUY to purchase new 2014 Chicago City Vehicle Stickers or 2014 Chicago Residential Parking Daily Permits online. You can either use your renewal form or your license plate number, street name and last name to pull up your record from more than two million on file with the Chicago City Clerk’s Office. Please allow 10 to 14 business days for the delivery of your online Chicago City Vehicle Sticker purchase.
Information About Year-Round Sales and other changes to the Chicago City Vehicle Sticker Program:
This summer, when you receive your 2014 Chicago City Vehicle Sticker Renewal Form, everyone will renew their Chicago City Vehicle Sticker as they have in the past – online, in the mail or in-person – but motorists will be given two purchasing options to set their new Year-Round Chicago City Vehicle Sticker Program renewal schedule.
The new renewal date will be set six months from the expiration date of each motorist’s Illinois State License Plate Registration (see chart below). The Office of the Clerk has partnered with the Office of Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White to stagger the renewal schedule of more than one million Chicago motorists to establish the Year-Round Chicago City Vehicle Sales Program and help residents better budget for vehicle costs throughout the course of the year.
Please note, seniors will not be affected by the change to Year-Round Sales and will remain on a June-to-June renewal schedule.

On the 2014 Chicago City Vehicle Sticker Renewal Form, motorists will be given a choice to purchase either a short-term Prorated Chicago City Vehicle Sticker or a long-term Extended Chicago Vehicle Sticker.
Here’s how these options work for a motorist with an Illinois State License Plate Registration expiration month of April. For this motorist, their new Chicago City Vehicle Sticker expiration month is October. You can use the chart above to check to find your new renewal month. All this information regarding your new renewal month and your purchase options are customized for you on your 2014 Chicago City Vehicle Sticker Renewal Form.

Residential Permit Parking Information:
The 2014 vehicle sticker will again feature residential zone information on the annual vehiclesticker. Residential parking permit (RPP) zones limit parking to residents and their guests during specified hours. This program helps to ensure that residents of densely populated areas have reasonable access to parking near their residences. Vehicles parked in an RPP zone must display an RPP annual permit or daily pass on their windshield or they may be ticketed. In addition, residents parking in an RPP Zone must adhere to any other parking regulations or restrictions on the street – including, but not limited to paying meters, adhering to rush hour or tow zone regulations, and street cleaning parking restrictions. It is the driver’s responsibility to read and comply with all the posted parking restriction signs.
Residents can check to see if their address falls in a residential parking zone by clicking here.
A city vehicle sticker is not required to purchase daily guest passes. Daily passes are for guests of a RPP zone resident. The pass is valid for no more than 24 hours from the time written on the permit. All other traffic restrictions must be followed while displaying a permit. By ordinance, an RPP zone resident can purchase up to 30 daily passes every 30 days.
Please be advised that residents will need to bring a photo id with their current address or proof of residence (mortgage or lease, water, gas, light, satellite or cable television or land line phone bill), in order to purchase the annual residential permit parking sticker or daily guest passes.
Please visit the City Clerk’s website for additional information on vehicle stickers and residential passes, or call them directly at 312-744-6770.