The Chicago Avenue Bridge will be closed to motor vehicle traffic from 9:00am and 5:00pm daily, beginning tomorrow, Wednesday February 17, through Friday, February 19. The closures are needed to make repairs to the grating on the bridge deck and to the supporting beams. Noise impact for this project is expected to be minimal.
Outside of work hours, one lane of traffic will be open on the bridge in both directions. The bridge will remain open to pedestrian and bicycle traffic during the full closures.
The following detour routes will be in place for motor vehicles and the CTA’s #66 Chicago Avenue bus:
Eastbound Detour:
Chicago Avenue east to Halsted Street, Halsted Street north to Division Street, Division Street east to Larrabee Street, Larrabee Street south to Chicago Avenue.
Westbound Detour:
Chicago Avenue west to Larrabee Street, Larrabee Street north to Division Street, Division Street west to Halsted Street, Halsted Street south to Chicago Avenue.
For more information about CTA reroutes, visit transitchicago.com.