Marina City Complex Awarded Landmark Status by Chicago City Council

Congratulations to River North’s Marina City Complex! Bertrand Goldberg’s Marina City towers was approved as an official City of Chicago Landmark District by the City Council earlier this month.  According to 42nd Ward Alderman Brendan Reilly who shared the importance of these iconic towers within the Chicago landscape.  Citing their presence in every Chicago souvenir snowglobe, the prominence of their architect and contribution to the history of Chicago architecture, the case was easily made for landmarking.  To learn more, click here to visit the Department of Planning and Development’s Historic Preservation Division website.


The Anti-Cruelty Society 2015 Annual Report

Our friends at The Anti-Cruelty Society in River North are excited to share the latest issue of the Society magazine: our Annual Report! Check out their look back on last year, as well  recognition of our generous donors. Don’t forget to share this with your friends!

Click here to read their 2015 Annual Reportanticrueltyreport

Chicago Avenue Bridge Closed thru Friday 9am-5pm

chicagoavebridgeThe Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) has announced emergency repairs needed on the Chicago Avenue Bridge over the North Branch of the Chicago River.  Traffic on the bridge was reduced to one lane in each direction earlier today after inspectors determined the repairs were necessary.
The Chicago Avenue Bridge will be closed to motor vehicle traffic from 9:00am and 5:00pm daily, beginning tomorrow, Wednesday February 17, through Friday, February 19.   The closures are needed to make repairs to the grating on the bridge deck and to the supporting beams.  Noise impact for this project is expected to be minimal.
Outside of work hours, one lane of traffic will be open on the bridge in both directions. The bridge will remain open to pedestrian and bicycle traffic during the full closures.
The following detour routes will be in place for motor vehicles and the CTA’s #66 Chicago Avenue bus:
Eastbound Detour:
Chicago Avenue east to Halsted Street, Halsted Street north to Division Street, Division Street east to Larrabee Street, Larrabee Street south to Chicago Avenue.
Westbound Detour:
Chicago Avenue west to Larrabee Street, Larrabee Street north to Division Street, Division Street west to Halsted Street, Halsted Street south to Chicago Avenue.
For more information about CTA reroutes, visit

Continued Traffic Impacts for West Erie Street

imagesCAX7ZICJTraffic Impacts for 167 W. Erie Development
Now through project completion, there will be a single lane closure on Ontario between LaSalle and Wells beginning mid-block. There will also be sidewalk and single lane closures on Erie, between LaSalle and Wells, and Wells, between Erie and Ontario. Fencing and traffic barricades have been set up for safety.

RNRA Donates $25k to Local Non-Profits

River North Residents Association President Michael Riordan presented five local charities checks totaling $25,ooo during our Annual Meeting, at the River North’s newest venue, “The Bassment.”

Proceeds from RNRA’s annual Taste of River North provided the funds to donate for the second consecutive year.

Representatives from The Chicago Help Initiative, The Anti-Cruelty Society, Gilda’s Club, Friends of the Park and Friends of the Chicago River were on hand to accept RNRA’s donation.



Lane Closures in River North

water main closure

Upcoming Construction Closures at 228 E. Ontario
Upcoming closures are required at 228 E. Ontario to erect a tower crane; the work will occur in two phases:

Phase Two: Friday, January 8, through Tuesday, January 12, 2016

  • A No Parking/Tow Zone will be in effect, on Ontario, from Fairbanks to St. Clair, during these days
  • A full closure of Ontario, from Fairbanks to St. Clair, will be in effect, Friday, January 8, through Sunday, January 10. During this closure, all vehicles from 230 E. Ontario will be able to enter and exit the building from the east, with assistance from construction personnel.
  • Pedestrian traffic will be maintained; however, pedestrians will be re-routed to the south side of the street at 228 E. Ontario.
  • Monday, January 11 through Tuesday, January 12, portions of the north lane of East Ontario will be closed; traffic control will be in place and this work will not impact 230 E. Ontario.
Please note that Phase Two work is weather dependent and is subject to change.

Annual Winter Overnight Parking Ban in Effect Now

Chicago’s annual Winter Overnight Parking Ban on critical arterial streets is now effective until March 31, 2016

There are 107 miles of city streets considered critical arterial streets, and the nightly ban is in effect between the hours of 3:00am and 7:00am regardless of the presence of snow.

Violators of the Winter Overnight Parking Ban may face a $150 towing fee (minimum), a $60 ticket and a daily storage fee of $20.Vehicles in violation of the ban will be towed to Pounds 2 (10301 South Doty Avenue) or 6 (701 North Sacramento). 

Please click on the following link to see a MAP of streets that are affected by the Overnight Parking Ban.

Overnight parking restriction signs are posted throughout the designated routes.  Please be aware of these signs indicating the parking restrictions.


The 2 inch winter parking ban on marked arterial streets or “Snow Routes” is in effect year round to allow emergency vehicles and snow clearing equipment to pass. These parking restrictions are strictly enforced when snow accumulation of over 2 inches is present.

Please click on the following link to see a MAP of streets that are effected by the Arterial Street Snow Route Ban.

Arterial Street Snow Route parking restriction signs are posted throughout the designated routes. Please be aware of these signs indicating the parking restrictions.  For more information on the overnight parking ban, click here.

RNRA’s 2015 Green Street Initiative Winners Announced

Congratulations to the following  properties that won RNRA’s inaugural Green Streets Initiative Program at our Annual Meeting.
RNRA’s Past President Brian Israel presented the following awards:
400 N LaSalle 400 N. LaSalle Street – 1st Place
Hubbard Place  360 W Hubbard Street
Kingsbury Plaza 520 N Kingsbury Street
Kerryman Clark and Erie – 1st Place
Che Sguardo 161 W. Illinois Street
East Bank Club 500 N. Kingsbury Street
Assumption Church 323 W. Illinois Street  – 1st Place
Chicago Lights Urban Farm 444 W. Chicago Avenue
St. James Cathedral 58 East Huron Street
Thank you to everyone who nominated beautiful River North properties for RNRA’s inaugural Green Streets Initiative program. There were so many to choose from that it was difficult to narrow it down to the top three.GSI Logo 1-md Do you know of a River North Property to nominate for 2016? We’d love to hear from you, click here to nominate.


RNRA Needs You!

River North is Growing! New buildings, new residents and new families are all coming into our wonderful neighborhood. We are looking for residents who would like to get more involved with the River North Residents Association. We have openings with our Public Safety, Park Advisory Council and Membership committees. We are planning a volunteer get together soon. If interested, please contact our administrative services manager, Karen Jones

RNRA Annual Meeting & Election

Join Your Friends & Neighbors

for RNRA’s
 Annual Meeting & Election
November 4th, 2015


We will be honoring our local charities along with featuring: 
  • 42nd Ward Alderman Brendan Reilly
  • Awarding winners of RNRA’s Inaugural Green Streets Initiative Program
  •  Update of development projects and 2016 plans
  •  Election of our President & Treasurer
The Hampton Social/The Bassment is conveniently located
at 353 W Hubbard St. 
All attendees must be 21 and over.

Please join us to honor these amazing River North organizations: 

   AntiCruelityLogo   gilda's club new logo   FOTPimages (1)