Burglary Prevention Presentation – Presented by 18th District Community Policing Office

Maria Pappas: $94 million in property tax refunds available on new website

Cook County property owners can recover $94.1 million in tax overpayments by going to cookcountytreasurer.com.

The money is unclaimed even though since 2009 nearly $544 million in overpayments has been refunded or prevented by the Treasurer’s Office.

Because refund claims often are disputed among different payers, including mortgage companies, banks, buyers and sellers, the application requires proof that the refund applicant paid the taxes.

Pappas has revamped cookcountytreasurer.com so that property owners can now search by address as well as Property Index Number (PIN) and get an instantaneous response for available refunds going back 20 years.

The redesigned site puts key information about your property in a single place. To see if you are entitled to a refund, go to the website:
•  Select “Your Property Tax Overview”
•  Search by address or by Property Index Number (PIN)
•  Look for the results under “Are There Any Overpayments on Your PIN?”
•  Complete the online application if you believe you are entitled to a refund

By Illinois law, the total annual payout of refunds that arose before 2009 is capped at $2.5 million. The money available for refund has been distributed to Taxing Districts. If a refund is granted, the Treasurer’s Office recovers the money from the appropriate local government.


Source:  Alderman Walter Burnette 3/28/18 Newsletter

Bike the 2nd Ward with Alderman Brian Hopkins – Sunday 5-20-18 in memory of Commander Paul Bauer


OEMC’s Private Sector Camera Initiative

Alderman Reilly is pleased to announce that the Office of Emergency Management and Communications (OEMC) has launched its “Private Sector Camera Initiative.”

OEMC provides citizens of Chicago with prompt and reliable 9-1-1 service for police, fire and emergency medical services, and coordinates major emergency response.

The program aims to link private sector camera systems with OEMC’s state-of-the-art video surveillance network. OEMC is seeking to gain access to exterior cameras on the public way, and camera feeds will only be viewed during emergency situations and active criminal investigations.

Alderman Reilly strongly encourages condominium associations, rental buildings, and local businesses to participate in the “Private Sector Camera Initiative.” The program will help the Chicago Police Department (CPD) to make arrests in real-time and deter criminal activity.

Please contact OEMC at (312) 746-9111 if you would like to  participate in this public safety initiative. For more information, click on the following links to download the Private Sector Camera Brochure  and visit OEMC’s website

Alderman Reilly is committed to advocating for new methods that enhance public safety in your neighborhood and will continue to fight for more resources that help supplement the Chicago Police Department’s good work.

 Source:  Alderman Reilly Reports:  4/6/18

“Keep the River Clean” Photobomb – Bring Your Friends! Bring Your Coworkers! 

Friday, Apr 27, 2018 11:00am – 1:00pm

Tags: River Education

In celebration of our beloved Chicago River, Friends of the Chicago River wants you to join members and friends for the largest Chicago Riverwalk group photo ever and take #OverflowAction with us! Last year close to 200 people came out!

Meet Friends of the Chicago River at The River Theater between Clark and LaSalle to see if we can break a world record for people standing together on these stairs to represent the thousands who care about the Chicago River.

More details to come. Email Joanne So Young Dill  –  jdill@chicagoriver.org for further inquiries.

Chicago Police Memorial Run – Run to Remember – 2018 5K Run/Walk on Saturday – May 5th – $5.00 Discount through 4/30 with new Promo Code

River North, let’s support our 18th District and run/walk in honor of our beloved Commander Paul Bauer and all of our fallen heroes.  

The district that registers the most participants wins the Superintendents’ Cup.  Let’s make sure the 18th District wins!  Register today and spread the word! To print and and post a sign in your building or business, please click here.

On line Registration:  Run to Remember

Team Name:  District 018-Cmdr Paul Bauer’s Team

Use promo code “chiathlete” through April 30 to save $5 off your registration. 

Any questions please call the 18th District Community Policing Office 312.742.5778  Thank you!!!


Saturday, May 5, 2018

8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.

Gold Star Families Memorial & Park

1410 South Museum Campus Drive, Chicago, IL 60605

For more information about the Chicago Police Memorial Foundation, click here.


Community Alert – Robberies 18th District (Near North) – April 12, 2018

Community Alert – Wanted for Aggravated Battery 18th District (Near North) – April 10, 2018

Community Alert – Seeking to Identify – Wanted for Aggravated Battery-Stabbing – 18th District (Near North)

Community Alert – Seeking to Identify Robbery Offenders – CTA Red Line 18th District