Chicago Police Department Community Alerts

Important UPDDATE – 18th Police District Council March Meeting

Chicago Smart Streets Pilot Update

Alderman Reilly’s Smart Street Pilot program took effect in late 2024. The pilot program allows the City to ticket registered vehicle owners by mail for various infractions, including parking in bike lanes, bus-only lanes, crosswalks, and bus stops.

The City of Chicago has issued the following since the beginning of the pilot program:

• 11,723 warnings for bike lane and bus lane infractions
• 441 citations for vehicles parked in bike lanes
• 1,179 citations for vehicles parked in bus lanes

The CTA recently announced it will add automated enforcement cameras to six buses, and these cameras should be installed and operational this summer.

During the next phase of the pilot, the City will begin to issue automated citations for pay-to-park violations. The Chicago Department of Transportation and Department of Finance have not provided a start date for metered parking enforcement.

Four Seasons Filming Notice – March 21 and 22

Updated Filming Notice for 3/17 to 3/19

Please note that attached update for filming on 3/18-currently posted in the neighborhood.


2025 March CAPS Beat Meetings

         Be part of the solution!

We encourage all residents to participate in their CAPS Beat Meeting. This is an opportunity for you to engage with your Beat Officers.

What is CAPS?  CAPS stands for Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy. CAPS is a partnership between police and community that is the foundation of community policing. CAPS uses Beats to develop relationships between the community and the police.

CAPS meetings offer city residents an  opportunity to address crime and safety issues directly with the beat officers who patrol their neighborhood, as well as to provide ongoing  feedback, which help the police to monitor crime issues.  The beat meeting is a chance to meet your neighbors and come up with strategies that affect the community.

To find your District & Beat, click HERE.

March 11 (Tuesday):  Beats 1822/1823  5:00 pm. and 6:00 p.m. at Holy Family Church, 542 W. Hobbie Street

March 13  (Thursday):  Beats 1821/1824 5:00 pm. and 6:00 p.m. at Clark Street Apartments 1201 N. Clark Street

March 18 (Tuesday):  Beats 1831/1832 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. at Anti Cruelty 510 N. LaSalle. Note change in address.

March 19 (Wednesday):  Beats 1214   7:00 p.m. 1121 N. Leavitt at Holy Trinity Cathedral

March 20 (Thursday):  Beats 1833/1834 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. at Northwestern University – 303 E. Superior Street.

See the full 18th District 2025 schedule and save the dates on your calendar Click Here.

See the full 12th District 2025 schedule and save the dates on your calendar Click Here 

CAPS Beat Meetings are also posted on the RNRA Event Calendar which can be found on and on the My River North mobile app.


April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month – Help CPD collect supplies for Maryville Crisis Nursery

Consider organizing a drive in your building!

Filming Notice – March 17 thru March 20

Photo Gallery March 4th “I Love River North Happy Hour” at Hawksmoor

Thank you to all of our friends and neighbors who joined us Tuesday night March 4th for our “I Love River North” Happy Hour!  We appreciate your support and friendship. 

A heartfelt thank you to our generous host Hawksmoor who donated their venue, services, drinks and delicious appetizers for the night allowing all proceeds to support River North Residents Association’s Advocacy Work.   We hope you will visit Hawksmoor again.  Check out their Sunday Roast, Happy Hour and Hawksmoor Hacks Menu!


Thank you



Photo Gallery – March 4th “I Love River North” Happy Hour at Hawksmoor