Chicago’s annual Winter Overnight Parking Ban on critical arterial streets began Friday, December 1, 2017 and runs through April 1, 2018.
There are 107 miles of city streets considered critical arterial streets, and the nightly ban is in effect between the hours of 3:00am and 7:00am regardless of the presence of snow.
Violators of the Winter Overnight Parking Ban may face a $150 towing fee (minimum), a $60 ticket and a daily storage fee of $20. Vehicles in violation of the ban will be towed to Pounds 2 (10301 South Doty Avenue) or 6 (701 North Sacramento).
Please click on the following link to see a MAP of streets that are affected by the Overnight Parking Ban.
Overnight parking restriction signs are posted throughout the designated routes. Please be aware of these signs indicating the parking restrictions.
There is also a separate snow related ban that affects another 500 miles of main roadways across the city and takes effect when there are at least two inches of snow on the street regardless of time of day or calendar date.
For more information on the overnight parking ban and to view a map of streets impacted by the ban, click here.
Source: Alderman Reilly Reports 12/1/17