We want to thank TAO Chicago for hosting the RNRA 22nd Annual Meeting and Reception at their fabulous TAO Lounge on November 12, 2019. TAO generously provided drinks and delicious appetizers with unparalleled customer service and hospitality!
We'd like to congratulate TAO Chicago on their first anniversary in River North and thank them for being a good neighbor!
TAO Chicago offers its guests a sensual trip through the cuisines of Asia. TAO Chicago features multiple levels, creating dynamic spaces within the historic building’s shell, while adding TAO’s Asian-influenced DNA to the restaurant. TAO Chicago’s restaurant menu, created by TAO Group Partner and Chef Ralph Scamardella and Executive Chef Michael Armstrong, is complete with great Pan-Asian offerings from the sea, sky and land including signature dishes like Satay of Chilean Sea Bass, Crispy Rice Tuna and a Wagyu Rib-Eye. Whether it’s date night or a casual Sunday family dinner, TAO has something to offer every kind of diner. TAO Chicago is excited to be featured on the My River North app, which offers exclusive restaurant discounts.
RNRA 22nd Annual Meeting
Thank to those who attended our meeting. To see all of the event pictures, click here.
We have some great pictures thanks to our event photographer, Jarod Spohrer of HOTSPOT Photogography Design Media, who generously provided his services free for this event. Check out Jarod's other work on Instagram.
The meeting opened with the re-election of Mike Riordan and Brian Israel, RNRA Directors whose terms are expiring on 12-31-19.
Both Mike and Brian were re-elected for terms ending on 12-31-22. To see the full RNRA Leadership Team, click here.
Alderman Brendan Reilly and Commander Daniel O'Shea provided updates on Ward 42 improvements and 18th District Public Safety.
The RNRA Board of Directors shared passionately 2019 accomplishments and 2020 Key Initiatives.
2019 Year-in-Review
RNRA Neighborhood Priorities
- Responsible Development
- Public Safety
- Environment/Infrastructure
- Well-Managed Hospitality
- Community Events
- Local Philanthropy
Membership - We are more likely to be heard if we speak with one voice!
- Largest membership level ever - 69 buildings and over 17,000 members!
- Launched in August the first in a new series of free mixers for RNRA Members.
- Launched RNRA's virtual community forum for Directors of RNRA-member homeowners associations designed to faciliate dialogue and share collective knowledge and experience.
Public Safety - Building constructive relationships between residents, businesses and public safety officials to help solve and prevent crime
- Conducted 6 Public Safety meetings with Ward & CPD representatives.
- Posted CPD Community Alerts on My River North mobile app and RNRAChicago.org
- Worked with Ward and CPD officials to identify locations for additional police observation cameras (4 already installed).
- Participated in CAPS Residential & Hospitality Meetings, "Coffee with the Commander" and the 18th District 2020 Community Policing Strategy meetings.
- Held second annual PSC meeting with Alderman Reilly & Commander O'Shea.
- Followed many Court Advocacy Program cases and attended dozens of liquor license revocation hearings.
- Initiated a new annual donation to the "Get Behind the Vest" program, supported "Run to Remember" and "18th District National Night Out".
Development - Advocating for responsible real estate development
River North is a very desirable area that sees alot of real estate development. In coordination with the Aldermen's offices, our Development Committee meets with developers early in the process to review proposals and offer constructive feedback. Our objective is to advocate for development that is planned and conducted in a manner that enhances the neighborhood and considers its impact on all stakeholders.
- Conducted 8 design reviews.
- Co-hosted 2 public community meetings with the Aldermen.
- Over 25 buildings reviewed in the last few years.
Environment - River North Clean Streets and Ward Park
River North Clean Streets
- Completed our 3rd season of River North Clean Streets - Cleaning our streets on weekends while utilizing a service that helps disadvantaged Chicagoans transition back into the workforce.
- Removed over 11 tons of trash and recyclable materials from 24 blocks of our streets and sidewalks from May-October.
- Provided potentially life-changing opportunities for nearly 100 interns working to become self-sufficient.
- Presented Lena Gladney the "2019 Intern of the Year" award in recognition of her outstanding performance.
Ward Park
- Completed 4 Ward Park clean-ups.
- Worked with park district on maintenance needs.
- Hosted events in the park to build community.
Pets - Promoting responsible pet ownership and community engagement
- Power washed the Erie DFA in Summer and Fall.
- Provided waste bags in both DFAs.
- Worked with Alderman Reilly's office to maintain and improve the Ohio Place DFA including lights, safety gates and water fountains.
Events - Building community through neighborhood events!
- Hosted 18th annual Taste of River North - over 25,000 attendees!
- Hosted 5 movies in the Summer Film Festival at Ward Park - between 500 to 700 attendees at each movie.
- Hosted Family Events in Ward Park - Spring Planting , Back to School Movie Party and Halloween Festival.
A Great Neighborhood Deserves a Great Mobile App! My River North Mobile App - A one stop resource for all things River North!
- News, community alerts and upcoming events
- Local resources from city services to transportation
- Special deals from over 50 participating neighborhood businesses
- FREE from the App Store or Google Play
Philanthropy - Providing financial and promotional support for great loca charities.
- Supported 7 River North non-profit organizations
Local Commerce - RNRA supports a strong local economy.
- Thank you to our neighborhood sponsors who are also part of our community!
- Let's support the businesses that support us!
- To see our full list of sponsors, click here.
- To become a sponsor, click here.
2020 Key Initiatives
- Create a new series of Public Safety seminars.
- Offer more free mixers for RNRA members.
- Create additional forums for neighborhood engagement.
- Expand social media visibility and engagement.
- Add support for the CFD's "Ignite the Spirit" program.
- Add an exciting new feature to the My River North mobile app.
- Increase volunteer outreach to expand capacity.
- Build on our 2019 committee work as reviewed above.
Our most sincere thanks....
Thank you to all of you who helped us celebrate 22 years of being your premier neighborhood advocacy organization for this community we all know and love.
Thank you to our RNRA Board of Directors and all RNRA Volunteers - neighbors who dedicate their time and talent to make a great neighborhood even better!
Thank you again to TAO Chicago for their generosity in hosting our event and to HOTSPOT Photogography Design Media.
PLEASE CONSIDER - We are River North, neighbors that work together to create community and continually strive to protect and enhance River North.
- Membership - If your building isn't a member, please talk to your Board President or Property Manager today. Once a building joins, all of its residents become members. The more members we have, the stronger our voice in matters of public policy. RNRAChicago.org/join
- Volunteers - We thrive because of neighbors like you who are willing to give a few hours of their time to make a great neighborhood even better. We need you! RNRAChicago.org/volunteer
- Sponsorship - River North is a vibrant neighborhood comprised of residents and businesses. Businesses, you are part of our community. We are a better River North if we work together. Please join as an RNRA Sponsor. Support this community effort and connect with your customers! RNRA supports a strong local economy. RNRAChicago.org/become-a-sponsor
- Donate - RNRA is a non-profit organization. It takes funding to support our community events and efforts. Please consider donating directly to support RNRA operations or to support the maintenance of our Larrabee DFA. RNRAChicago.org/donate and RNRAChicago.org/DFA